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Your Safety is our Focus

Our ambition is to make your stay with us as pleasant and safe as possible. We work to ensure the safety of our guests and personnel as follows:
SBAB (in Swedish) stands for Systematic Fire Protection Work. We perform annual checks, inspection and service at our fire alarm facility.

Security Ronds
We perform daily security rounds.

Night Staff

All our night staff are security educated. The hotel is 24/7 manned.

Trained Staff
Staff are trained annually in first aid and fire safety.

Security Companiy
Rapid security company is patrolling the area and we are able to contact them if necessary.

Technical security solutions
  • Fully sprinkled hotel
  • Camera surveillance
  • Digital door locks, with access to history
  • Assault alarm for the staff
  • The hotel is built with fire cells
  • Disability alarm in our disabled rooms
  • Fire alarm for none hearing is available for lend out 
BWH(SM) hotels are independently owned and operated. ©2025 Best Western International, Inc.
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